The special characteristics of the layers of the Earth's structure

 The special characteristics of the Earth's structure.

1.The Crust

  • It belongs to the lithosphere and consists about 1% of the total land mass of the earth.

  • The thickness of the crust is not uniform. It extends with a thickness of 5 km in depth in the oceans and 60 km in the continents.

  • It consists of rocks and continents a wide variety of useful minerals. 

  • The uppermost thin layer of the crust consists of soil, and it is continuously developed through the processes in the bio-environment. This thin soil layer is important for agricultural activities.

  • The crust is divided into two parts according to its location, composition and the density of rocks.

  • continental crust
  • Oceanic crust

  • The continental crust consists of granitic rocks. This part is called the Sial layer as it is primarily composed of Silica (Si) and Aluminum (Al). 

  • The oceanic crust consists of basaltic rocks. This layer is called the Simang layer as it consists primarily of Silica (Si) and Magnesium (Mg).

  • The Simang is the basic rock layer on which the Sial layer lies.

  • The boundary that separates the crust of the earth from the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity.

2.The Mantle

  • Mantle is the layer which is located between the crust and the core.

  • The mantle is a layer that extends to a depth of 2900 km from the surface of the Earth. This layer from 2/3 of the land mass of the Earth.

  • The upper part of the mantle consists of Olivine and Silicate while the lower part is made up of Magnesium and Silicate.

  • According to the chemical composition and rocks, this layer is divided into two parts: the upper mantle and the lower mantle.

  • The boundary that separates the mantle from the core is called the Gutenberg discontinuity.

3.The Core

  • The Core is located below the mantle of the earth.

  • According to the composition, it is divided into two parts, namely the inner core and the outer core.

  • The outer core consists of liquid metal (Nickel and Iron) and it extends from the depth of 2250 km.

  • The inner core consists of a thick metal (Iron) layer, and it extends to a depth of 1220 km from the outer core. 



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